Tuesday, December 9, 2008

So instead of drawing, exercising, socializing, ... I have spent my spare time making hypnotic jams such as the one available above. Looping loops over loops over loops and adding vocal loops I find myself going into a meditative trance making and listening to this music. There are moments that don't work; my files aren't organized enough to know when specific moments hit when. But when this works it is heavenly.

I want to make images and stories that possess the feeling of experimentation and ecstasy I feel when I am making this music. I am interested in the aesthetics of still scenes. I ask myself ... is this music file time based on static? How can I get to that place of meditation via 2 dimensional work?

Where is the meditation in narrative?


Monday, November 17, 2008

Me and Morgan Lappin are making some t-shirt designs ... Here's a sample ... hitting the market around Christmas time ... !!!

Jamal the Squid

Jamal the squid wasn't buying JJ's "free hot tub" story ...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Have it be known by day I am a proud salesman of MiniJake; a baby furniture and toy store located in the heart of Williamsburg. While most of my duties include sharing information about high tech baby strollers, keeping invoices in order and assembling Brio products, I am asked from time to time to do a little design work! Above is a sign I made for our store's ball pit. We carry from Crocodile Creek, which makes awesome products. Check 'um out!

Crocodile Creek

Monday, September 1, 2008

Thank you JB Winter!

Much thanks to JB Winter for letting me contribute to his 50 state comic book jam! If you want a copy, check out his blog.


Go Izzy Go!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


BIG BIG BIG shout out to my boy back in New England Greg Cook for taking down lecture notes from the 2006 Gary Panter lecture at RISD. Thanks Greg! I thought these were lost.


Monday, August 11, 2008


Illustration for clamcakes.

Pictures of the new place coming soon.


Monday, July 7, 2008

Another illustration for Southern Rhode Island Magazine (Thanks Allison Cole, art director). This one's on bread.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Virtual Studio Visit!

Check out the new work! Here's about half a year's worth of plastic color, subway scenes and human clusters ... also a big dinosaur with a coke can I need to finish.

Sunday, June 15, 2008



Monday, June 2, 2008

Half Way Point

Here I am at halfway; new illustration.

Summer Surprise (3/4th finished painting; little bit of build up left and gloss)

Monday, May 5, 2008

To appear in SO Rhode Island Magazine; Thanks once again to the lovely art director Allison Cole! Check out her art at www.comicsoflove.com

Thursday, April 3, 2008


where have I been?

Without internet mostly. You might as well be dead without it in this fast pace art world. But luckily there are afterhours at work.

Well, I've done some freelance jobs here and there, but most notably here is something thanks to art directory Alison Cole. It'll appear in a Providence magazine next monthish.

New clients:

David Sears (Author ... forget the name of his publisher)
Providence Monthly

Still haven't gone into full throttle freelance mode (although I am accepting offers). Still saving up money ... I'm getting there ...

Sunday, February 17, 2008


I'm working on some maps for the author/historian David Sears. These will appear in a book about the last great naval battle of WWII.


This is the only thing I want for Christmas.


Friday, February 1, 2008

Seadog and Scuttlebutt.

Character sketch for upcoming children's book.

New painting and sketches next week.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Time for a Dog

I'm thinking of purchasing a dog.

I may be ready for one.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Pirates and motorcycle gangs, outlaws and animals of men.

I've been plastering my walls with inspiration men and I'm reading about dastardly devils. The Boston Celtics Big Three stand tall and proud on the cover of sports illustrated above my bed and on my bedside table are two books; Hunter S. Thompson's non-fiction masterpiece recounting the Hell's Angels and "The Republic of Pirates" by Colin Woodard; a historically accurate account of the golden age of piracy (the one that Johnny Depp is supposedly in; not the current state of piracy that involves machine guns, human cargo and other massively sketchy things).

As a young man in the midst of his own fruitful career, I seem to be having a duelistic persona influenced by these two different groups. At work, I try to see myself as Kevin Garrnett. The guy who is just going to work his ass off and not think about tomorrow ... just think about getting the job done.

And at home I'm seeing myself as the Hell's Angel; scratching away at sketches and paintings.

I'm working on a children's book with David Sears. We're going to pitch it to publishers once the sketches are completed and the text is fully realized.

Once I put it all in writing, I feel like life is just where it aught to be. I've had some unpleasantries at work along with some misunderstandings ... but now, starting on my 4th week there, I feel like I can get the job done and pump out quality product (as long as my computer can keep up ... I hate load time!).

And even if it doesn't go too well and come March they give me the boot, I can always return home to my parent's studio where I can keep building my portfolio which is becoming more and more defined.

New York City is cold today. It was a good day spent indoors ... When I look at what I got done today drawing I feel I lacked a bit, but it was also laundry day and a list of other tasks were in front of me. Plus, I was recovering from Mission of Burma from last night. Why did they have to be SO LOUD?

I leave you with a sketch of Mr. Sear's proposed idea. I'm pretty proud of this one ... my personal work seems to be going somewhere pleasant.

And when the world goes to shit, at least I always have Biggie on the ipod. Hell, I have an ipod shuffle. I live like a king.

Peace and love,

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Christmas Card

For some reason, Blogger inverts my artwork for some reason. I have no reason why. So just imagine this with normal colors.

New Work

Hope everyone had a great holiday season! Here is some new work.

HOW DO PEOPLE PHOTOGRAPH PAINTINGS?! ARGH, so frustrating. I will pay someone to photograph my paintings.